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For Protection and Promotion: The Design and Implementation of Effective Safety Nets (Directions in Development)
Margaret Grosh
Carlo Del Ninno
Emil Tesliuc
Azedine Ouerghi
4.04 Mb
Auditory Mechanisms: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium Held at Portland, Oregon, USA 23 - 28 July 2005
Alfred L. Nuttall
Tianying Ren
Peter Gillespie
Karl Grosh
Egbert de Boer
Наука (общее)
Международные конференции и симпозиумы
28.89 Mb
Targeting of Transfers in Developing Countries: Review of Lessons and Experience (World Bank Regional and Sectoral Studies)
David Coady
Margaret E. Grosh
John Hoddinott
926 Kb
Administering targeted social programs in Latin America: from platitudes to practice, Page 94
Margaret E. Grosh
743 Kb
Measuring the effects of geographic targeting on poverty reduction
Judy L. Baker
Margaret E. Grosh
83 Kb
Proxy Means Tests for Targeting Social Programs: Simulations and Speculation (Lsms Working Paper)
Margaret E. Grosh
Judy L. Baker
185 Kb
Teubner- Taschenbuch der Mathematik II
Groshe G.
Ziegler V.
Ziegler D.
87.62 Mb